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The Candy Basket is Back in Action!



CJ here with another update from this crazy candy company! šŸ˜

I figured it's been a while since we provided a real-time update for you beautiful people on what's actually happening inside of our factory these days.... We may have been a little M.I.A. lately.

Whoops! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø

Have no fear! The Candy Basket is here! Well, we're back. We've been here just like we always are, but we're back and ready to gain a presence again in the world.

So, what have we been up to? šŸ¤”

WELL! What haven't we been up to? We made it through the holiday seasons, yes. Typically business slows down a little bit after the holiday season but this year we've taken on a few large projects that have been keeping us as steady as can be! šŸ˜“

We dived right into the world of CBD for a few special clients.

As you know, CBD and CBD products have blown up these days. Call after call came in requesting us to produce candy with this stuff and eventually we caved and started making a few things.

Specifically CBD taffy, CBD chocolate bars, and even CBD sanded fruit gels. This stuff is flying out of our doors. While we currently do not sell these products under the Candy Basket name, we are providing some clients with these goodies and they're selling them all over the US!

As I look back on that paragraph, I'm wondering how many more times I could've used the word CBD... Did you know that actually stands for cannibidiol? Yeah, I don't know what that means either... but oh well. We're using it!

So far the most popular flavors of this wonky line of stuff has been sour apple and watermelon. Two of my personal favorites. šŸ˜

The funny thing is-- the more we product this stuff, the more we get calls about it. I've had inquiries about making truffles, caramels, sugar-free goodies, and tons of other things that all contain CBD in them. We just can't keep up! But we sure are trying!!

Let's see... I've also been working on a pretty cool project requested by Kipi.

I'm creating a line of wedding candy bars that can be customized! šŸ‘°

Our plan is to finalize our variations complete with your favorite colored foil-wrap, whatever design you choose, and the inclusions of goodies like pretzels and pop rocks that go into your bar!

Custom wedding chocolate bar label prototypes
A few of my favorite prototype designs!

I've got the majority of the designs done, now we're just working on putting together the program to get some orders in! You might even catch us at a wedding show or two to show off our goods. šŸ˜‰

I'm kind of thinking this is the perfect opportunity for me to get hitched so I can create my own cute little chocolate bar to give to my friends!!! šŸ˜‚

We've also done some little side projects to help Kipi's kiddos out with some fancy school projects.

You remember us calling Reynold's High and asking their wood-shop to create some cool cutouts for us, right?

Well, we've done it again. That teacher is getting pretty used to our wild imaginations by now.

Wood-carved sarcophagus
Our neat-o sarcophagus that was carved by the Reynold's High School Woodshop class!

Last week we asked if they would cut us a life-size sarcophagus. It turned out so well! They even got the details put in. Definitely went above and beyond what I would've done with cardboard! LOL. We've still got to slap on a coat of paint, but thankfully that's where Lilly can step in and put her creative twist on it. šŸ˜

I hear that Nick has to make a large boat of some kind, and Dale got put on that one. Again, probably able to do so much better than what I could've done with cardboard.... Why do they keep asking me to do these things? If they want good results, don't ask me. I'd make it look like a blind kindergartner tried their hand at a sixth grade school project. šŸ˜‚

As always, we're all plugging away at whatever comes our direction though!

Joy is taking orders, Rachelle is packing chocolates, Pam is cooking caramels, Lyudmila is decorating truffles, and I'm sitting here.... eating the candy. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø

I have a pretty rough job.

Right around the corner is taffy season, so we'll be ramping up to start producing some exciting new flavors, as well as our classic 100+ flavors for summertime. Our retail shop has already cleared out another wall to place another 50 or so flavors, and we're brainstorming our summertime look! Of course, we're ahead of the game on that one. šŸ˜

Right now our factory is decorated for the City of Roses, since the Portland Rose Festival starts on Friday of this week! šŸŒ¹

We have some pretty adorable roses painted on our windows, as well as some pretty elegant decor inside of the factory outlet. You really should be stopping by often so that you can keep up with us. I mean, we can tell who are die hard fans and who aren't. šŸ¤Ø

WE SEE YOU! Or, I mean, WE DON'T SEE YOU! šŸ‘€

Anyway, I'm about to clock out for the day.

I've already spilled the tea for the day, and I'm about ready to go work out so that I can balance out all of the sugar I ended up eating today. šŸ™„

Keep on coming back people! We do this all for you!

Keep it sweet, Portland. šŸ’•

with love,




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